재료 당면 사발면컵 2컵 돼지고기 잡채용 1컵 종이컵 1컵 분량 : 당근, 목이버섯, 양파, 표고버섯, 대파, 만능간장 소스 간장1컵, 설탕1/2컵, 간마늘1/2컵, 2 cups facing bowl cup 1 cup pork japchae 1 cup paper cup: Carrot, neck mushroom, onion, shiitake, green onion, and all-purpose soy sauce. sauce 1 cup soy sauce 1/2 tablespoon sugar 1/2 1. Place the noodles in advance. 당면을 미리 불려주세요 https://youtu.be/XkAoSPqXe_E 2.In a heated pan, add cooking oil and add s..
2019. 4. 23.
korean food recipe of Kimchi stew
백종원 쉐프의 레시피 재료 김치 1/2포기, 돼지앞다리살 300g, 쌀뜨물 1.5L, 청양고추 1개, 홍고추 1/2개, 대파 1 다진마늘 1큰술, 국간장 1큰술, 고추가루 1큰술, 김치국물 2큰술, 새우젓 1/2큰술, 된장 1/2큰술 Material 1/2-g kimchi, 300g pork foreleg, 1.5L of rice water, 1 Cheongyang red pepper, 1/2 red pepper, 1 green onion 1 tablespoon chopped garlic, 1 tablespoon noodles, 1 tablespoon red pepper, 2 tablespoons kimchi soup, 1/2 tablespoons shrimp, 1/2 tablespoons soybean..
2019. 4. 21.